Carroll Canyon Loop Sep 14

From Sunset Park along Ridge Trail to Oak creek, then up Carroll Canyon to return
P9110093   CARROLL CANYON P9110095   Starting on the Ridge Trail, rather than the more common route of taking the canyon first P9110097 P9110098
P9110100 P9110101 P9110102 P9110103
P9110104 P9110106   We quickly approach the heights overlooking Red Rock Crossing P9110108 P9110109   These ocotillo may briefly flower before the cold weather
P9110112 P9110113   Lots of fall flowers brought out bythe monsoon P9110114   Four o'clocks P9110115   One moew rise...
P9110116 P9110117   ...and there's the Crossing. A good place to break. P9110118   Great views of an iconic landmark P9110120
P9110121 P9110122 P9110124 P9110125   Downhill to Oak Creek
P9110126 P9110128 P9110129 P9110130
P9110131   This is unusually high water P9110132 P9110133 P9110136
P9110138 P9110139 P9110140   We head back up the same hill... P9110142
P9110143 P9110144 P9110145 P9110146   ...and then over to the lower end of Carroll Canyon
P9110147 P9110148 P9110149   Carroll Canyon, for the rockhopping phase of the hike P9110150   Thia canyon acts as a drainage for Sedona streets, so we have to watch for trash
P9110151 P9110152 P9110153 P9110154
P9110155 P9110157   Our group shot of the day P9110158 P9110159
P9110160 P9110161 P9110162 P9110163   We're about ready for a lunch break
P9110164 P9110165 P9110166   Out on top, near Sedona Recycles P9110167
P9110168   We ascend back to the Ridge Trail to return to Sunset Park P9110169 P9110170 P9110171   Sunset Rd heading for the park